Wednesday 28 October 2015

California Boasts a Top Ten Ranked Technology University

Choices. That's one of the most difficult things about being an adult and entering the real world. One of the first decisions a new adult is faced with is their career choice. Most parents are happy to help their children decide what field they might want to enter when working. College isn't for everyone so some choose to go to a technical or trade school to learn a skill. It's so important to enter a field that you are actually passionate about. For those that are interested in college, there are a lot of things to do before you take your first class. Starting college is a big part of life that many see as a right of passage. Some people know from the time they are little that they will attend the same school that their parents went to. Others have dreams of going to an Ivy League school and graduating with a degree that will allow them to hand pick from the best jobs. Some just want to go to a school that will give them a solid degree.

No matter what your reason is for going to college, choosing the right school is one of the most important steps. If you have a specialized field that you're going into, there will be some schools that will automatically be ruled out because they don't offer that major.But once you've narrowed down some schools to choose from, the decision making starts. One of the premier colleges you can attend is California Institute of Technology. California Institute of Technology is located in Pasadena, California and is a private research university. California Institute of Technology offers thousands of internet connections around campus for students to utilize the internet no matter where they may be. It's important to note that California Institute of Technology or CalTech is a small school of only about 2,100 students yet it maintains a strong emphasis on the natural sciences and engineering. CalTech is not going to be the school for you if that's not your field. But if you are interested in those areas, CalTech is one of the top ten universities worldwide by several different sources. CalTech also manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which is a NASA Center that oversees the design and operation of unmanned space probes.
An important part of college is making sure you get a great education. College can be very expensive, and many people know that you get what you pay for. The more elite schools can cost a small fortune to attend, but many of the graduates of those schools would agree that the level of education they receive is well worth the price. CalTech is a school that sticks to what it knows best.No matter where you decide to attend college, do your research and be sure you're getting the most value for your dollars.

Top Ten Online MBA Programs

Top Ten Online MBA Programs

Do you want to pursue an MBA but can't find the time? Maybe you don't feel like being out of a job for 2 years is worth the investment? Maybe all the online MBA programs you know seem too generic? Do you feel that you want a quality MBA without sacrificing your job, your family, or your earnings? This is a quick summary of the top ten online MBA programs based on rankings/reputation, structure, networking opportunities, gained skills, and tuition investment.

1. Instituto de Empresa (IE)
Location: Madrid, Spain
Program: Global MBA
Ranking*: #11 by Financial Times, # 12 by The Wall Street Journal, # 6 by Forbes.
Description: IE offers an 18 months Global MBA program for English and Spanish speakers. The program allows students to connect to the virtual classroom from anywhere in the world. In addition to virtual lectures and videoconferences, students are required to participate in "blended sessions" in different cities including Madrid, London, New York, Santiago, Shanghai, and other cities.
Networking Opportunities: Students from 48 countries with background and expertise in a diverse variety of fields including financial markets, banking, marketing, and technology.
Gained Skills: Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Information Systems, Intercultural Skills.
Tuition Investment: EUR 33,000 (approx. $ 43,000 USD)
2. Thunderbird School of Global Management
Location: Arizona, USA
Program: Global MBA
Ranking: #1 in International Programs by U.S. News & World Report, # 1 in International Business by Financial Times, # 1 in International Business by The Wall Street Journal.
Description: Thunderbird offers a global MBA program where students participate through virtual classrooms and on-site seminars in the USA, China and Europe.
Networking Opportunities: Students have lived and worked in over 16 different countries with backgrounds in a wide variety of companies ranging from Coca Cola to Boeing to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Gained Skills: Cross-Cultural Communications, Global Political Economy, Global Finance, Global Operations, Global Marketing, Global Negotiations, Global Leadership, Global Strategy.
Tuition Investment: $ 57,000 USD (includes on-site costs for international study trips except airfare)
3. Duke University
Location: North Carolina, USA
Program: Cross-Continental MBA
Ranking: #11 by U.S. News & World Report, # 23 by Financial Times, # 11 by BusinessWeek.
Description: The program lasts 20 months blending Internet-enabled distance learning with 9 one-week residential sessions that take place in North Carolina, Europe and Asia.
Networking Opportunities: Students from 23 countries average 3 to 9 years of experience and are currently employed full-time in a variety of industries.
Gained Skills: Finance, Accounting, Decision Models, Cross-Cultural Communications, Marketing, Strategy, Global Financial Management, Global Economics.
Tuition Investment: $ 93,450 USD
4. Manchester Business School
Location: Manchester, UK
Program: Distance Learning MBA
Ranking: #22 by Financial Times, # 15 by MBA Career Guide Survey.
Description: This flexible 2 year program combines self-study with face-to-face workshops in one of six destinations worldwide - UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia and Jamaica.
Networking Opportunities: Students are located in over 90 countries worldwide and possess years of work experience in industries such as construction, engineering, and finance.
Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Methods, Corporate Strategy.
Tuition Investment: £14,400 (approximately $ 28,383 USD)
5. Indiana University
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana - USA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Kelley Direct)
Ranking: #23 by U.S. News & World Report, # 65 by Financial Times, # 18 by BusinessWeek.
Description: This two-year program focuses on general administration, but can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students. The program is offered almost exclusively over the Web with two in-residence courses that last one week in Indiana.
Networking Opportunities: Students in the program come from almost every state in the USA as well as over 20 countries from around the world. Almost all students have several years of corporate or military experience.
Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Quantitative Analysis, Project Management, Strategic Marketing, Human Resources, Global Business, Business Law, Strategic Capabilities.
Tuition Investment: $ 42,000 USD
6. Pennsylvania State University
Location: University Park, Pennsylvania - USA
Program: Penn State's Online MBA
Ranking: #38 by U.S. News & World Report, # 43 by Financial Times, U.S. Second Tier Programs by BusinessWeek.
Description: This 2-year program combines online courses with 2 residency experiences - the first one at a U.S. company (anywhere in the USA) and the second one at Penn State's University Park campus.
Networking Opportunities: Penn State iMBA students represent employers from 37 states and 5 countries.
Gained Skills: Finance, Accounting, Organizational Behavior and Change, Data Analysis, Decision Making, Marketing, Corporate Strategies, Global Operations, Global Management.
Tuition Investment: $ 49,000 USD
7. University of Florida
Location: Gainesville, Florida - USA
Program: Internet MBA
Ranking: #41 by U.S. News & World Report, # 13 by The Wall Street Journal.
Description: The Internet MBA program at the University of Florida provides students with two options: The Two Year MBA and the One Year MBA option. The Two Year MBA program starts in February, offers a 27-month curriculum and requires 8 weekend campus visits at the end of each term. The One Year MBA option is provided for students with a business degree and 2 to 7 years of work experience. It starts in January, offers a 16-month curriculum and requires 5 weekend campus visits at the end of each term.
Networking Opportunities: Students in these programs average 6 years of work experience in a variety of industries such as telecommunications, banking, and international trade.
Gained Skills: Personal Finance, Corporate Finance, Accounting, Marketing Management, Professional Writing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, Brand Equity, Business Policy, Business Law.
Tuition Investment: $34,000 USD - One Year MBA option; $39,000 USD - Two Year MBA option.
8. Babson College
Location: Boston, Massachusetts - USA
Program: Fast Track MBA
Ranking: #1 in Entrepreneurship by U.S. News & World Report, # 1 in Entrepreneurship by Financial Times, #49 Overall MBA by U.S. News & World Report, # 89 Overall MBA by Financial Times.
Description: This 24-month program combines face-to-face learning, web-based learning, and field-based projects. Face-to-face instruction is based on two day sessions that are held at Babson or in Portland, Oregon approximately every six weeks - all day on Fridays and Saturdays.
Networking Opportunities: Students in this program average 10 years of work experience and come from almost every state in the US and approximately 10 countries.
Gained Skills: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity, Human Behavior, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Ethics and Law.
Tuition Investment: $48,500 USD.
Website: 9. University of Massachusetts - Amherst

USA MBA Degree To Fast Track Your Career In

USA MBA Degree To Fast Track Your Career In 

As healthy management is the crucial aspect of all the businesses, major companies can never be completed without their management team. Employers see 'management team' as one of the crucial assets of their companies. It helps in running business smoothly. Considering the current competition around, they are hiring nothing short of best. They are expecting more from their management resources to tackle the rising competition in a better way.
Companies hire MBA professionals to achieve the same level of management which they expect to cope up the challenges. MBA graduates can find abundant opportunities in sectors across. An MBA degree is a testimony of your expertise in the respective area of specialization in the management sphere. To mark your presence in an organization as a part of the management team, you need to keep yourself updated with the latest skills and advancement in the industry. As a matter of fact, since 2011, India has been competing with the USA to be the largest MBA job market and there is no sign of trend dwindling with growth estimates at 8% for the current year.

Universities in Australia

Want to study in Australia? We're not surprised! It's one of the world's most popular study destinations, and it's not difficult to understand why...

What comes to mind when you think of Australia? Sandy beaches and a deep azure ocean, cold cans of lager, and barbeques? Perhaps you might add some weird and wonderful creatures (amongst which more than a few are poisonous enough to kill you), miles upon miles of unpeopled wilderness, and an almost maniacal love of sport.
There is a large element of truth to these common suppositions. Australia does boast two beaches known as the Eighty Mile Beach and Ninety Mile Beach (and 10,683 other smaller beaches on its mainland alone), Australians – particularly students – do enjoy a drink on the weekend, and the warm weather does indeed lend itself to the outdoor preparation of food. But this by no means an entire portrait of the country - for one thing, it misses out any mention of Australia's impressive higher education system.

University of America

The University of America is a private, nonsectarian, coeducational research university located in Bogotá, Colombia.

Founded as an architecture school in 1956, the school grew into an interdisciplinary and technological research institution, University of America emphasizes quality over size, concentrating on a core of academic disciplines with a strong reputation in engineering and applied sciences.
University of America has three schools, containing 8 academic departments; particularly noted are its programs in Chemical, Mechanical and Pretroleum engineering.
In 1957, University of America was one of the four founding members of the Colombian Association of Universities "ASCUN" (Asociación Colombiana de Universidades).

University of America is a highly selective institution that attracts students from all over the country with its reputation

Academic departments

  • Division of Economics, and Finance
  • Division of Engineering and Applied Science
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Petroleum Engineering
  • Division of Architecture

Institute of physics of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik

The organization of technology is a aspect of the Employees of organic sciences of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in Slovakia. Its house is currently Michal Jaščur. Primary activities of the organization are:

education of students trying to obtain a Professional stage in technology or in any other subject along with technology.
scientific research within locations of magnetism, technology of low conditions, nuclear technology, biophysics, theoretical technology, astrophysics and idea of technology information.

Department of Theoretical Technological innovation and Astrophysics

The Department of Theoretical Technological innovation and Astrophysics provides information within all main careers of theoretical technology. Through series of necessary technology applications, it instructs students for skills either in technology of compressed problem, atomic technology, pc technology or astrophysics.[2]

The analysis at the division employs:

theoretical analysis of eye-catching features of certain elements and level changes in eye-catching systems
development of mathematical sources in geophysics
theory of main particles
physical features of interacting binaries (binary stars)
The analysis of the division contains collaboration with:

Department of Powerful Situation Technological innovation, School of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Department of Used Technological innovation, Kyushu School, Fukuoka, Japan
Department of Natural Technological innovation Informatics, Nagoya School, Nagoya, Japan
Gerhard Mercator Universität Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany
Joint Organization of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Department of Theoretical Technological innovation, Uzhgorod Situation School, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Instituto de Astrophysique, London, uk, France
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita di Napoli "Federico II", Napoli, Italy
Astronomical institution of Czech universities of sciences, Czech Republic

University of London

The School of London, uk, uk (informally generally known as London, uk, uk University) is an excellent research university situated in London, uk, uk, England, made up of 18 element colleges, 10 research companies and a wide range of main systems.

The university is the second greatest university by wide range of full-time students in the U. s. Empire, with around 135,000 campus-based students and over 50,000 online learning students in the School of London, uk, uk Globally Applications. The university was identified by Stylish Lease in 1836, as a degree-awarding assessment panel for students having certifications from London, uk, uk School (UCL) and King's Higher education, London, uk, uk and "other such other Organizations, company or unincorporated, as shall be identified for the objective of Education and learning, whether within the Town or elsewhere within our U. s. Kingdom". The university moved to a govt structure in 1900.

For most good reasons, which range from approval to funding, the element colleges operate on a semi-independent foundation, with some lately obtaining the power to award their own levels while remaining in the govt university. The nine greatest colleges of the university are King's Higher education London; School Higher education London; Birkbeck; Goldsmiths; the London, uk, uk Business School; Master Mary; Stylish Holloway; SOAS; and the London, uk, uk School of Overall costs and Government Technological innovation. The professional colleges of the university include Heythrop Higher education, concentrating in perspective and theology, and St George's, concentrating in drugs. Imperial Higher education London, uk, uk was formerly a participant before it left the School of London, uk, uk in 2007. On 16 June 2015 it was announced that Town School London, uk, uk would be a part of the govt School of London, uk, uk, becoming one of its element colleges from Aug 2016

Many important individuals have accepted through the university, either as employees or students, such as at least 4 a queen and leaders, 52 presidents or main ministers, 74 Nobel laureates, 6 Grammy winners, 2 Oscar winners and 3 Olympic gold medalists.

In post-nominals, the School of London, uk, uk is generally reduced as Lond. or, more hardly ever, Londin., from the Latina Universitas Londiniensis after their level abbreviations

New York University

New You are able to School (NYU) is a personal, nonsectarian America research university based in New You are able to City. Established in 1831, NYU is the largest personal charitable institution of America higher education. NYU's main university is situated at Greenwich Town in Lower New york city with institutions and facilities on the Upper East Side, educational buildings and dormitories down on Wall Street, and the Brooklyn university situated at MetroTech Center in Town center Brooklyn.The School also established NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai and preserves 11 other Global Academic Centers in Accra, Germany, Buenos Aires, Florencia, London, The city, London, Prague, Modern australia, Tel Aviv and Washington, D.C.

NYU was chosen to the Association of America Colleges and universities in 1950. NYU matters thirty-six Nobel Prize champions, four Abel Prize champion, three Turing Prize champions, over 30 Nationwide Awards for Science, Technology and Advancement, Artistry and Humanities individuals, over 30 Pulitzer Prize champions, over 30 Academia Prize champions, as well as several Russ Prize, Gordon Prize, Draper Prize and Areas Honor champions, and a multitude of Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Prize champions among its staff and graduate students. NYU also has MacArthur and Guggenheim Fellowship holders as well as hundreds of Nationwide Academia of Sciences, Nationwide Academia of Technology and America Academia of Artistry and Sciences associates, and a plethora of associates of the United States The legislature and heads of state of countries all over the globe, among its past and present graduate students and staff. NYU has the most Oscar champions of any university.The graduate students of NYU are amongst the richest on the globe, and include 17 living billionaires.

NYU is organized into more than twenty schools, colleges, and institutions,situated in six facilities throughout New york city and Town center Brooklyn. According to the Institution of Worldwide Knowledge, NYU delivers more learners to study overseas than any other US university or higher education, and the College Board reports more online searches by international learners for "NYU" than for any other university

University of Oxford

The School of Oxford (informally Oxford School or simply Oxford) is a college research university located in Oxford, Britain. While having no known date of base, there is proof of educating as far back as 1096, making it the earliest university in the English-speaking globe and the second-oldest enduring university.It increased quickly from 1167 when Gretchen II prohibited English learners from participating the School of London. After conflicts between learners and Oxford townsfolk in 1209, some instructors left northeast to Arlington where they established what became the School of Arlington.The two "ancient universities" are frequently together generally known as "Oxbridge".

The university is made up of a variety of organizations, such as 38 component colleges and universities and a wide range of educational sections which are organized into four sections. All the colleges and universities are self-governing organizations as part of the university, each managing its own account and with its own inner framework and activities.Being a town university, it does not have a main campus; instead, all the structures and features are spread throughout the town center.

Most undergrad educating at Oxford is organized around every week guides at the self-governing colleges and universities and places, reinforced by sessions, lessons and lab work provided by university ability and sections. Oxford is the home of several significant grants, such as the Clarendon Grant which was released in 2001 and the Rhodes Grant which has gotten learners to study at the university for more than a millennium. The university functions the biggest university media in the world and the biggest educative collection system in the United Empire.[13] Oxford has knowledgeable many significant graduates, such as 27 Nobel laureates, 26 English primary ministers (most lately Bob Cameron, the incumbent) and many foreign leads of state

Wednesday 14 October 2015

University of America

The University of America is a private, nonsectarian, coeducational research university located in Bogotá, Colombia.

Founded as an architecture school in 1956, the school grew into an interdisciplinary and technological research institution, University of America emphasizes quality over size, concentrating on a core of academic disciplines with a strong reputation in engineering and applied sciences.
University of America has three schools, containing 8 academic departments; particularly noted are its programs in Chemical, Mechanical and Pretroleum engineering.
In 1957, University of America was one of the four founding members of the Colombian Association of Universities "ASCUN" (Asociación Colombiana de Universidades).

University of America is a highly selective institution that attracts students from all over the country with its reputation

Academic departments

  • Division of Economics, and Finance
  • Division of Engineering and Applied Science
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Petroleum Engineering
  • Division of Architecture

Universities in Australia

Want to study in Australia? We're not surprised! It's one of the world's most popular study destinations, and it's not difficult to understand why...

What comes to mind when you think of Australia? Sandy beaches and a deep azure ocean, cold cans of lager, and barbeques? Perhaps you might add some weird and wonderful creatures (amongst which more than a few are poisonous enough to kill you), miles upon miles of unpeopled wilderness, and an almost maniacal love of sport.
There is a large element of truth to these common suppositions. Australia does boast two beaches known as the Eighty Mile Beach and Ninety Mile Beach (and 10,683 other smaller beaches on its mainland alone), Australians – particularly students – do enjoy a drink on the weekend, and the warm weather does indeed lend itself to the outdoor preparation of food. But this by no means an entire portrait of the country - for one thing, it misses out any mention of Australia's impressive higher education system.

Sunday 4 October 2015

USA MBA Degree To Fast Track Your Career In

USA MBA Degree To Fast Track Your Career In 

As healthy management is the crucial aspect of all the businesses, major companies can never be completed without their management team. Employers see 'management team' as one of the crucial assets of their companies. It helps in running business smoothly. Considering the current competition around, they are hiring nothing short of best. They are expecting more from their management resources to tackle the rising competition in a better way.
Companies hire MBA professionals to achieve the same level of management which they expect to cope up the challenges. MBA graduates can find abundant opportunities in sectors across. An MBA degree is a testimony of your expertise in the respective area of specialization in the management sphere. To mark your presence in an organization as a part of the management team, you need to keep yourself updated with the latest skills and advancement in the industry. As a matter of fact, since 2011, India has been competing with the USA to be the largest MBA job market and there is no sign of trend dwindling with growth estimates at 8% for the current year.
More Detail visit here

Thursday 17 September 2015

Top Ten Online MBA Programs

Do you want to pursue an MBA but can't find the time? Maybe you don't feel like being out of a job for 2 years is worth the investment? Maybe all the online MBA programs you know seem too generic? Do you feel that you want a quality MBA without sacrificing your job, your family, or your earnings? This is a quick summary of the top ten online MBA programs based on rankings/reputation, structure, networking opportunities, gained skills, and tuition investment.

1. Instituto de Empresa (IE)
Location: Madrid, Spain
Program: Global MBA
Ranking*: #11 by Financial Times, # 12 by The Wall Street Journal, # 6 by Forbes.
Description: IE offers an 18 months Global MBA program for English and Spanish speakers. The program allows students to connect to the virtual classroom from anywhere in the world. In addition to virtual lectures and videoconferences, students are required to participate in "blended sessions" in different cities including Madrid, London, New York, Santiago, Shanghai, and other cities.
Networking Opportunities: Students from 48 countries with background and expertise in a diverse variety of fields including financial markets, banking, marketing, and technology.
Gained Skills: Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Information Systems, Intercultural Skills.
Tuition Investment: EUR 33,000 (approx. $ 43,000 USD)
2. Thunderbird School of Global Management
Location: Arizona, USA
Program: Global MBA
Ranking: #1 in International Programs by U.S. News & World Report, # 1 in International Business by Financial Times, # 1 in International Business by The Wall Street Journal.
Description: Thunderbird offers a global MBA program where students participate through virtual classrooms and on-site seminars in the USA, China and Europe.
Networking Opportunities: Students have lived and worked in over 16 different countries with backgrounds in a wide variety of companies ranging from Coca Cola to Boeing to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Gained Skills: Cross-Cultural Communications, Global Political Economy, Global Finance, Global Operations, Global Marketing, Global Negotiations, Global Leadership, Global Strategy.
Tuition Investment: $ 57,000 USD (includes on-site costs for international study trips except airfare)
3. Duke University
Location: North Carolina, USA
Program: Cross-Continental MBA
Ranking: #11 by U.S. News & World Report, # 23 by Financial Times, # 11 by BusinessWeek.
Description: The program lasts 20 months blending Internet-enabled distance learning with 9 one-week residential sessions that take place in North Carolina, Europe and Asia.
Networking Opportunities: Students from 23 countries average 3 to 9 years of experience and are currently employed full-time in a variety of industries.
Gained Skills: Finance, Accounting, Decision Models, Cross-Cultural Communications, Marketing, Strategy, Global Financial Management, Global Economics.
Tuition Investment: $ 93,450 USD
4. Manchester Business School
Location: Manchester, UK
Program: Distance Learning MBA
Ranking: #22 by Financial Times, # 15 by MBA Career Guide Survey.
Description: This flexible 2 year program combines self-study with face-to-face workshops in one of six destinations worldwide - UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia and Jamaica.
Networking Opportunities: Students are located in over 90 countries worldwide and possess years of work experience in industries such as construction, engineering, and finance.
Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Methods, Corporate Strategy.
Tuition Investment: £14,400 (approximately $ 28,383 USD)
5. Indiana University
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana - USA
Program: Master of Business Administration (Kelley Direct)
Ranking: #23 by U.S. News & World Report, # 65 by Financial Times, # 18 by BusinessWeek.
Description: This two-year program focuses on general administration, but can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students. The program is offered almost exclusively over the Web with two in-residence courses that last one week in Indiana.
Networking Opportunities: Students in the program come from almost every state in the USA as well as over 20 countries from around the world. Almost all students have several years of corporate or military experience.
Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Quantitative Analysis, Project Management, Strategic Marketing, Human Resources, Global Business, Business Law, Strategic Capabilities.
Tuition Investment: $ 42,000 USD
6. Pennsylvania State University
Location: University Park, Pennsylvania - USA
Program: Penn State's Online MBA
Ranking: #38 by U.S. News & World Report, # 43 by Financial Times, U.S. Second Tier Programs by BusinessWeek.
Description: This 2-year program combines online courses with 2 residency experiences - the first one at a U.S. company (anywhere in the USA) and the second one at Penn State's University Park campus.
Networking Opportunities: Penn State iMBA students represent employers from 37 states and 5 countries.
Gained Skills: Finance, Accounting, Organizational Behavior and Change, Data Analysis, Decision Making, Marketing, Corporate Strategies, Global Operations, Global Management.
Tuition Investment: $ 49,000 USD
7. University of Florida
Location: Gainesville, Florida - USA
Program: Internet MBA
Ranking: #41 by U.S. News & World Report, # 13 by The Wall Street Journal.
Description: The Internet MBA program at the University of Florida provides students with two options: The Two Year MBA and the One Year MBA option. The Two Year MBA program starts in February, offers a 27-month curriculum and requires 8 weekend campus visits at the end of each term. The One Year MBA option is provided for students with a business degree and 2 to 7 years of work experience. It starts in January, offers a 16-month curriculum and requires 5 weekend campus visits at the end of each term.
Networking Opportunities: Students in these programs average 6 years of work experience in a variety of industries such as telecommunications, banking, and international trade.
Gained Skills: Personal Finance, Corporate Finance, Accounting, Marketing Management, Professional Writing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, Brand Equity, Business Policy, Business Law.
Tuition Investment: $34,000 USD - One Year MBA option; $39,000 USD - Two Year MBA option.
8. Babson College
Location: Boston, Massachusetts - USA
Program: Fast Track MBA
Ranking: #1 in Entrepreneurship by U.S. News & World Report, # 1 in Entrepreneurship by Financial Times, #49 Overall MBA by U.S. News & World Report, # 89 Overall MBA by Financial Times.
Description: This 24-month program combines face-to-face learning, web-based learning, and field-based projects. Face-to-face instruction is based on two day sessions that are held at Babson or in Portland, Oregon approximately every six weeks - all day on Fridays and Saturdays.
Networking Opportunities: Students in this program average 10 years of work experience and come from almost every state in the US and approximately 10 countries.
Gained Skills: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity, Human Behavior, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Ethics and Law.
Tuition Investment: $48,500 USD.
Website: 9. University of Massachusetts - Amherst

California Boasts a Top Ten Ranked Technology University

Choices. That's one of the most difficult things about being an adult and entering the real world. One of the first decisions a new adult is faced with is their career choice. Most parents are happy to help their children decide what field they might want to enter when working. College isn't for everyone so some choose to go to a technical or trade school to learn a skill. It's so important to enter a field that you are actually passionate about. For those that are interested in college, there are a lot of things to do before you take your first class. Starting college is a big part of life that many see as a right of passage. Some people know from the time they are little that they will attend the same school that their parents went to. Others have dreams of going to an Ivy League school and graduating with a degree that will allow them to hand pick from the best jobs. Some just want to go to a school that will give them a solid degree.
No matter what your reason is for going to college, choosing the right school is one of the most important steps. If you have a specialized field that you're going into, there will be some schools that will automatically be ruled out because they don't offer that major.But once you've narrowed down some schools to choose from, the decision making starts. One of the premier colleges you can attend is California Institute of Technology. California Institute of Technology is located in Pasadena, California and is a private research university. California Institute of Technology offers thousands of internet connections around campus for students to utilize the internet no matter where they may be. It's important to note that California Institute of Technology or CalTech is a small school of only about 2,100 students yet it maintains a strong emphasis on the natural sciences and engineering. CalTech is not going to be the school for you if that's not your field. But if you are interested in those areas, CalTech is one of the top ten universities worldwide by several different sources. CalTech also manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which is a NASA Center that oversees the design and operation of unmanned space probes.
An important part of college is making sure you get a great education. College can be very expensive, and many people know that you get what you pay for. The more elite schools can cost a small fortune to attend, but many of the graduates of those schools would agree that the level of education they receive is well worth the price. CalTech is a school that sticks to what it knows best.No matter where you decide to attend college, do your research and be sure you're getting the most value for your dollars.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Oxford or Cambridge University

The UK’s two oldest and most famous universities, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have a historic rivalry dating back more than 800 years. These two halves of “Oxbridge” share manyelements in common; both are made up of residential colleges, both use tutorial (or supervision) teaching systems, and of course both are steeped in centuries of traditions, stories and stereotypes.

While choosing whether to apply to Oxford or Cambridge is likely to be tricky, applicants do have to choose just one; the UK’s Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) only allows students to apply to one of the two.
I’ll admit I could be biased here (I studied at one; can you guess which?) – but I’ll do my utmost to present a balanced overview of how Oxford and Cambridge compare, looking at their performance in the international university rankings, as well as additional considerations such as location and funding. Oxford or Cambridge, which will you choose? 

Monday 29 June 2015

Top Universities for Engineering in Canada

Canada has become a hot destination for students who want to enter in the engineering domain. Following is the list of the top 5 universities for engineering in Canada.

1. University of Toronto

The University of Toronto or U of T or UToronto, is a public university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is ranked 1st in Canada and 27th worldwide in the Academic Ranking of World Universities; 2nd in Canada and 23rd globally in the QS World University Rankings. It was established in the year 1827 and has an endowment of C$ 1.54 billion.
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (nickname Skule) was founded in the year 1873. There are 4850 undergraduate students and 1600 graduate students enrolled in the faculty. Brian Kernighan of K&R is a notable alumni of the Skule. These are the following departments of Skule:
  1. Chemical Engg. and Applied Chemistry
  2. Civil and Mineral Engg.
  3. Electrical and Computer Engg.
  4. Mechanical and Industrial Engg.
  5. Materials Science and Engg.
2. University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia or UBC is a public university located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was established in the year 1906 and has an endowment of C$ 1.09 billion. It is ranked 2nd in Canada and 37th worldwide in the Academic Ranking of World Universities; 3rd in Canada and 51st globally in the QS World University Rankings.
The Faculty of Applied Science has the following departments:
  1. Biomedical Engg.
  2. Chemical and Biological Engg.
  3. Clean Energy
  4. Civil Engg.
  5. Electrical and Computer Engg.
  6. Engineering Physics
  7. Environmental Sciences
  8. Geological Engg.
  9. Materials Sciences
  10. Mechanical Engg.
  11. Mining Engg.
3. McGill University

McGill University is a public university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was established in the year 1821 and has an endowment of C$ 807.5 million. It is one of the oldest universities in the country. It is ranked 1st in Canada and 17th globally in the QS World University Rankings.
The Faculty of Engineering is one of the constituent faculties of McGill University. McGill was also the first university in Canada to provide programs in applied sciences. The faculty includes five departments and two schools:
  1. Chemical Engg.
  2. Civil and Applied Mechanics
  3. Electrical and Computer Engg.
  4. Mechanical Engg.
  5. Mining, Metals and Materials Engg.
  6. School of Architecture
  7. School of Urban Planning
4. University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo is a public university located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It was established in the year 1957 and has an endowment of $ 247.3 million.
The Faculty of Engineering has 6340 undergraduate students and 1840 graduate students and 265 professors. The faculty involves 13 departments:
  1. Chemical Engg.
  2. Civil Engg.
  3. Computer Engg.
  4. Electrical Engineering
  5. Environmental Engineering
  6. Geological Engineering
  7. Managament Engineering
  8. Mechanical Engineering
  9. Mechatronics
  10. Nanotechnology
  11. Software Engineering
  12. System Design
  13. Architecture
5. University of Alberta

The University of Alberta is a public university located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was established in the year 1908 and has an endowment of $ 783.3 million.
The Faculty of Engineering is one of the largest engineering schools in Canada. Engineering classes has been taught at the university from the year of inception. The faculty has the following departments:
  1. Chemical and Materials Sciences
  2. Civil and Environmental Department
  3. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  4. Mechanical Department
  5. Biomedical Department

Top Universities of Australia

Study in Australia is a sweet dream of most of the young ambitious people. Studying here is a unique experience which casts a magnetic spell over thousands of students. This land of kangaroos is not only famous for its cricket controversies rather more famous for its leading universities. Its world class universities and colleges cultivate the students with skills needed to give them an edge over others.
In their quest to gain valuable skills, students from around two hundred countries have made Australia their home. If you are also planning to land in this dynamic environment of learning and innovation then read on. It will surely help you in opening doors for your bright future.
Top Australian universities provide infinite opportunities and you can choose from a vast range of courses including traditional areas of learning and many vocational courses. All the Australian universities have their own areas of specialization. Since there are numerous universities in Australia, we will discuss three leading Australian universities in present article.

University of Ballarat

This famous university of Australia is located in the city of Harbour bridge and opera house- Sydney. This is among the most advanced universities of Australia. This university has been a source of quality education for more than 130 years. University of Ballarat offers students a unique educational experience with its internationally recognized courses. University specializes in business management and information technology. Various courses offered by this university include undergraduate and post graduate courses in visual, performing arts and graphic designing, social sciences, education, hospitality, sports sciences, IT, nursing and science and engineering. Highly qualified staff boosts the skills of its students. It enables students to make a mark in their professional fields.

University of Canberra

This world famous university is located

 in Canberra, the capital of Australia. The University was founded in 1967 as the Canberra College of Advanced Education. It was accredited as a university in 1990. The University has a single-campus and provides easy access to all facilities and services within the capital region.
University is famous for providing personal and individual attention to all students with its smaller classes. Main disciplines offered for Graduate, Undergraduate and Research students include law, journalism, advertising, information technology, biological sciences. University will launch following new courses in 2009- Bachelor of cultural heritage, Bachelor of cultural heritage conservation, Master of information studies (online), Bachelor of urban and regional planning.
This University inculcates in students essential communication skills, problem solving abilities and teamwork spirit. The courses are regularly updated to make sure that they match international trends. The University also offers financial aid and scholarships to international students.

Victoria University

Founded in 1916 as Footscray Technical School it was named as Victoria University in 1990. Popularly known as VU, this tertiary education facility is located in Melbourne. There are more than 8500 international students in VU. This university offers both Higher Education and Technical and Further Education (TAFE).

It offers a wide range of 746 higher education and TAFE courses. You get numerous options in courses related to - Arts, Business, Law, Health, Engineering, Science, Service Industries, Construction and Industrial Skills. Victoria University has 11 splendid campuses - City Flinders, City King, City Queen, Footscray Nicholson, Footscray Park, Melton, Newport, St Albans, Sunbury, Sunshine and Werribee.
Special services offered by VU include changing courses, visa extensions, scholarship Opportunities and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). All these services help in improving job prospects of the students.
These three universities are among the top universities of Australia and have earned a reputation worldwide. So pack your bags and get ready to land in the country of kookaburra.

Top Universities in Singapore - NUS and NTU

Top Universities in Singapore - NUS and NTU


National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked 33 in the Times Higher Education Supplement's World University Rankings 2007.
According to the Financial Times (FT) 2006 EMBA ranking of the Top 85 EMBA programs, NUS Business School rises in rankings for Executive MBA programs to be among world's Top 29.
NUS Business School did extremely well in two of the sub-categories - it came out Top 5 for the categories of 'International Attendees', and 'Top Salaries in IT/ Telecommunications'.

According to the THES 2006 World Ranking in the field of technology, NUS Faculty of Engineering ranked 8th in the World's top 100 in Technology
According to the Newsweek Ranking of Global University, NUS is ranked 36th in the top 100 universities.

Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is the world's top 20 technological university!
According to the Times Higher Education Supplement's World University Rankings 2007, NTU is ranked 69 in the world.

The university has 2 campuses in Singapore: NTU at one-north campus and the Yunnan Garden campus. NTU at one-north campus is located next to Biopolis, the Singapore biomedical research hub. NTU has strong reputation overseas, linkages with world famous universities such as University of Washington, Stanford University, MIT, Cambridge, to name a few.

It offers undergraduate and graduate courses in Accountancy, Business, Communication Studies, Engineering, Science and Arts.
The university is recognized globally for its excellence in science and engineering. The College of Engineering is one of the world largest engineering colleges, with 6 engineering schools offering a variety of programs and specializations to meet the needs of many students.

It is also home to the National Institute of Education (NIE), which is the only teacher training institute in Singapore. NIE provides educational services to countries such as Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

The College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is the first Singapore professional art school offering courses in art, design and media.
Nanyang Business School (NBS) offers one of the world top 100 MBA programs. According to the Financial Times survey (published in Jan 2007), its MBA program is ranked Number 1 in Singapore and Number 2 in Asia.


Top 10 Distance Learning Universities in India

Distance education is catching up fast in India and the number of students opting for this mode of education is on the rise. Many students living in remote areas are not able to pursue regular courses for their higher education even if they desire to do so. They can fulfill their desire with this mode of education. Even working professionals can give a boost to their career with improved qualification and skills. With headway in open learning, many universities in India providing this education form have developed in the past few years. We will have a look at the top 10 distance learning universities in India.

Top 10 open universities

Below is a comprehensive list of the top 10 open universities which provide different courses to the candidates through distance education. They are not in any particular order.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Governed by the Distance Education Council (DEC), IGNOU is the most popular university among students seeking admission in correspondence or online courses. The courses are categorized under different schools of study.

Dr B R Ambedkar Open University

There are around 137 centers of this university all across the country. The motto of this University is 'Education at Your Doorstep'. Several under graduate, post graduate and diploma courses are offered in this University.

Sikkim Manipal

This University is recognized by the United Grants Commission and there are around 725 authorized centers across India.


Annamali University is the first distance learning university in India offering post graduate course in subjects like Zoology, Applied Psychology, Bioinformatics, Botany, Law, etc. All the courses are approved by the Distance Education Council.
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning
This institute is situated in Pune and follows the concept of 'Blended Learning'. Their programs have e-learning facility along with printed study materials and faculty interaction. The program structure is such that the students get the same knowledge as that of regular courses.


ICFAI University has many centers all across the world and is well known for its MBA courses through the open education mode. With an MBA degree from ICFAI, candidates can improve their job chances immensely.

Maulana Azad National Urdu University

With 9 regional centers, the university proffers 3 under graduate, 3 post graduate and 8 PG Diploma, Certificate and Diploma courses. B.Ed programs are also offered to the interested candidates.

Alagappa University

The Alagappa University provides job oriented and sector specific programs to its students in this education medium. Both Tamil and Hindi are the medium of instruction. Diploma holders are eligible for lateral entry in various degree programs.

University of Mumbai

University of Mumbai has a separate section for students who are interested to take up open learning courses. The Distance and Open Learning section offers different degrees under various faculties available.

IMT Distance and Open Learning Institute

Cyber security and management are the two areas of study in which students can enroll for correspondence or online learning. Post graduate programs and PhD programs are highly recommended.
It is however necessary to make a thorough check about every aspect of admission before enrolling in any of these top distance learning universities.